Community Engagement

Have you seen the funky ‘Good Vibes’ Southland car zipping around town?? We’re still buzzing about how good it looks!

As a passionate Southland company, our team were super stoked to showcase our commitment to our local community and our own expertise by designing and LIVE wrapping the car at the fantastic Love Local event at ILT Stadium Southland on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th July 2020.

What started out as a promotion for our recently built temperature controlled wrap room, turned into a bigger project, after manager Riki Shuttleworth recognised it was an important time for our team to showcase our Southland pride. An idea was nurtured during a discussion with Nick at Yellow Pencil, and then further so, during an enthusiastic discussion with Carla at Market South. From here the design was grown to the final artwork by our own graphic designer Mikaela.

The vehicle design reflects everything positive and great about Southland, it features images of the ILT Langlands Hotel, Invercargill City Rebuild (Invercargill Central), and the Southland Charity Hospital, plus it includes vibrant red chrome on the bonnet!

We thoroughly enjoyed our time at the Love Local event, and the response from the public has been amazing. A massive thank you to our ever loyal partners – Alex, Nigel and the ILT Stadium Southland team for hosting us, Glen and the Southern MG team for kindly supplying the bright yellow MG vehicle, and to Carla at Market South for nailing the ‘Good Vibes’ name!

The ‘Good Vibes’ car will be based at Southern MG (34 Yarrow St) and ILT Stadium Southland, available for use at promotional events should organisers wish to showcase some good vibes – contact Glen Rogan at Southern MG, he’s more than happy to assist.